A sticker on the side or bottom of each pan shows the item number, which contains a 4- or 5-letter abbreviation of the color name: CAMO for caput mortuum, QUMA for quinacridone magenta, etc. Below is a list of the abbreviations and the corresponding color names for each of our paints.
AZGR azo green
BEYE benzimida yellow
BUSI burnt sienna
BUUM burnt umber
CAMA cadmium maroon
CAMO caput mortuum
CARE cadmium red
CAYE cadmium lemon
COAQ cobalt aqua
DIVI dioxazine violet
EAGR green earth
EAGY gray earth
EAPI mauve earth
GRGY graphite
HERE hematite
INBL indanthrone blue
IOBK iron oxide black
ISYE iso yellow
LIYE limonite
MABK magnetite
MCGR malachite
MTCO metallic copper
MTGO metallic gold
MTPE metallic pearl
MYBL mayan blue
PEMA perylene maroon
PHBL /or PHbBL phthalo blue
PHGR or PHyGR phthalo green
PHBGR phthalo emerald
POPI potters pink
PYOR pyrrole orange
PYRE pyrrole red
QUMA quinacridone magenta
QUOR quinacridone orange
RASI raw sienna
TIBU titanium buff
TIWH titanium white
TVGR terre verte
ULBL ultramarine blue
ULVI ultramarine violet
VIBL vivianite
VIGR viridian
OCYE or YEOC yellow ochre
NEBL neon blue
NEGR neon green
NEPI neon pink
NEYE neon yellow
SEGR serpentine
CARE cadmium red
CHBK chromatic black
COBL cobalt blue
COVI cobalt blue-violet
IVBK ivory black
UDVI ultramarine dioxazine violet
VEGR verona green earth